Mount Roccerè


A very famous site where there is a well-known archaeological area that will lead you to the Bronze Age.

Sentiero dei fotografi


Ring tour to discover some of the most fascinating villages in the valley. So called because it lends itself very...

Mount San Bernardo


A medium difficulty itinerary that offers an incredible view of the Cuneo plain and almost all of the Maira valley.

The pedancola loop


Walk that starts from Dronero, reaches the hamlet of Monastero di Dronero and then continues, by means of a hanging...

Rocca cernauda loop


The ring allows you to reach the pleasant grazing basin at the foot of Mount Tibert, distinguished by numerous grange,...

Torrente maira loop


Discover suggestive and little-known corners along the Maira stream with an easy hike in the lower valley! It starts from...

Monte bellino loop


An itinerary that offers a breathtaking spectacle on the crests of the Italian-French border and on the rocky ìpinnaî of...