
De La Rocha A.S.D. – Allevamento Merens

De La Rocha A.S.D. – Allevamento Merens

“De la Rocha” is located in Roccabruna and is the result of the breeding of Mérens horses by Roberto and Monica

The Mérens is a very rustic mountain horse, originating from the French Pyrenees, Ariege, with a coat that has always been strictly black. They are great grazers, and from the time it is a foal it acquires its winter reserves, resistance to the cold, a strong hoof and a sure-footedness, which are among the breed’s special features. Docility, endurance and great confidence make the Mérens a versatile horse in terms of use. It is used for equestrian tourism, long treks, hitching or for basic dressage tests or small jumps.

The ASD DE LA ROCHA is involved in equestrian tourism, activities for children and families, and offers everyone the opportunity to get to know and be in contact with animals and nature.

TREKKING AND WALKING: In the Maira Valley there are many itineraries and excursions that can be made on foot or by bicycle. There are numerous treks a