Double loop of Chiappera

Double loop of Chiappera

Itinerary that runs through the area around the last village of the Maira Valley, Chiappera. It is possible to walk it as a single or as a double loop, and will allow you to enjoy splendid landscapes, including the magnificent Stroppia waterfalls.

From Chiappera go up on asphalt on the cycle path that flanks the slopes of Rocca Castello-Provenzale up to the conca delle grange Collet. Through the single trail that descends on the Grange Ciarvera, you descend until you cross the road of the outward journey and return to Chiappera. From here it is possible to take the second ring descending on asphalt up to the first stream near the cemetery, where you go along the artificial lake of Saretto with a single trail to arrive again on asphalt at the Sorgenti Maira. Without reaching the Sorgenti plateau, take a single trail on the left that alternates descent and ascent to Ponte Maira. From the church of San Pietro you take a forest road which, passing through Saretto and the Crocetta, allows you to return to Chiappera.


  • Duration: 2h20m
  • Ascent: 750 m
  • Descent: 750 m
  • Distance: 20.7 km
  • Region: Acceglio
  • Seasons: Autumn, Spring, Summer
  • Difficulty: Medium Difficulty

Mountain sports are potentially dangerous activities and must be undertaken with the right equipment and preparation. We invite you to consult the weather and avalanche bulletin before embarking on an excursion and/or contact a guide for assistance. The Valle Maira Tourist Consortium declines any responsibility in relation to the advice and itineraries shown here, which must be evaluated personally according to the weather conditions and snow cover.